Which Came First?

Which Came First?

Genesis 1:20-25

“You are responsible to believe and to teach what the Bible teaches, not what you would like for it to teach.”

R.C. Sproul

John 6:36-37

John 6:44

Matthew 24:31

Romans 8:33

1 Thessalonians 1:4

Ephesians 1:4-6

1 Corinthians 1:27-31

Election is an act of God before creation in which he chooses some people to be saved, not on account of any foreseen merit in them, but only because of his sovereign good pleasure.

Wayne Grudem

John 6:38-39

John 6:44

Romans 3:10-12

Romans 6:6

John 6:40-44

Acts 21:30

John 21:11

2 Timothy 2:10

“Does God know the day you’ll die? Yes. Has he appointed that day? Yes. Can you do anything to change that day? No. Then why do you eat? To live. What happens if you don’t eat? You die. Then if you don’t eat, and die, then would that be the day that God had appointed for you to die? Quit asking stupid questions and just eat. Eating is the pre-ordained way God has appointed for living.”

A.A. Hodge

I never reconcile two friends.”

Charles Spurgeon

“God is not some metaphysical airport security screener, waving through the
secretly pre-approved and sending the rest into a holding tank for questioning.
God is not treating us like puppets made of meat, forcing us along by his
capricious whim. Instead the doctrine of election tells us that all of us who have come to know Christ are here on purpose.”

RUssell Moore

John 45-57

“God is not some metaphysical airport security screener, waving through the
secretly pre-approved and sending the rest into a holding tank for questioning.
God is not treating us like puppets made of meat, forcing us along by his
capricious whim. Instead the doctrine of election tells us that all of us who have come to know Christ are here on purpose.”

James boice

John 6:58-59

Come & See: The Father frees us & Jesus feeds us

Never cast out (37)
Lose nothing (39)
Raise up (40, 44)
Eternal life (40, 47)
Live forever (51, 58)
Jesus abides in us (56)
Food for life (57)

1 John 4:19