Betrayal & Love

Betrayal & Love

John 13:18-19

Jesus knew how much Judas’ duplicity would shake the faith of the other eleven disciples. Perhaps they might think that Judas had outwitted Jesus. They needed to be assured that this was the outworking of God’s plan and that Jesus was fully aware of what was about to transpire. That is why he tells them “before it comes”

Gordon Keddie

John 13:19-21

Genesis 3:15

John 13:3

Mark 14:19

John 13:22-26

Matthew 5:44-45

John 13:27

“First he suggests: then he commands. First, he knocks at the door and asks permission to come in: then, once admitted, he takes complete possession, and rules the whole inward man like a tyrant.” 

J.C. Ryle

James 4:7

John 13:28-30

“Trifling with the first thoughts of sin – making light of evil ideas when first offered to our hearts – allowing Satan to talk to us, and flatter us, and put bad notions into our hearts and minds – all this may seem a small matter to many. It is precisely at this point that the road to ruin often begins. He that allows Satan to sow wicked thoughts will soon find within his heart a crop of wicked habits. Happy is he who really believes that there is a devil, and, believing, watches and prays daily that he may be kept from his temptations.”

J.C. Ryle

John 13:31-35

“The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians: who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.”

Brennan Manning

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

John 13:36-38

John 13:34-35