Eternal Life!

Eternal Life!

John 17:22-23
John 17:1
John 12:23
John 12:32
John 17:2
Joy to the world! The Lord is come:
Let earth receive her King.
John 17:2
John 6:37-39
Ephesians 1:4-6
Question 1. What is the chief end of man?
Answer: Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever.
John 17:3

1. Information

Romans 1:20

“By regarding the universe which He has created we behold His glory, His perfection and His attributes…. The entirety of creation, visible and invisible, speaks with voices clear and positive of the glory of the Holy God. Wherever we turn our eyes, we see the marks of His majesty, and should lift our hearts in praise to Him who is holy. This is His world, the wide theater in which His perfect glory is displayed.” – E.J. Young

Romans 1:21-22

Hosea 4:6

Judges 2:10

2. Worship

“that we bow before him as worshippers, that we submit ourselves to his law, that we seek to do his pleasure. No man really knows God who does not know him as God, and does not accept him as his God; and to accept God as your God, is eternal life.” – Charles Spurgeon

3. Relationship

“The Christian begins to realize that God is indeed his Father, that the hairs of his head are all numbered, and that his relationship to God is not something mechanical, it is experiential. That, of course, leads to a sense of dependence upon God, and the consciousness that, as time passes, we are in his hands. And that, further, means that we begin to look to him for strength, for power, and for everything.” – Martin Lloyd-Jones

2 Corinthians 3:18
John 17:4-5
  • Information
  • Worship
  • Relationship

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