1 – Peace with God.
No Jesus, No Peace
Know Jesus, Know Peace
The only person who dares wake up a king at 3:00 AM for a glass of water is a child of the King.
Tim Keller
2 – Access to God.
It is a grace that means we always have a VIP pass into the hallways of heavenly power.
Mike Bird
3 – Growth from God.
Suffering – Endurance – Character – Hope
You can exercise and sustain personal leadership only to the extent of your capacity to bear pain. If you can bear only your own pain, then you can’t really lead. If you can respond and bear only the pain of your family, then your family represents the full scope of your leadership potential. If, however, by God’s grace you can recognize and bear the pain of those around you, then the scope of your leadership potential is limited only by the scope of your burden and capacity. All this talk about bearing may seem off-putting to some. You may be thinking, isn’t leadership more about vision and the ability to inspire than about pain? Not really. To be sure, there is a kind of leadership that can rouse people to action for a short time, but enduring leadership invariably will be built upon the confidence that those whom you call ‘leader’ would sacrifice themselves not only for the cause they share with you, but even for you yourself.
Author Unknown
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