Pastor Terrence Young
Mark 12:24-27
Mark 12:28
Matthew 23:27-28
Mark 12:29-30
“God is never satisfied with anything less than the devotion of our whole life for the whole duration of our lives”.
Sinclair Ferguson
Mark 12:31-33
Leviticus 19:18
Leviticus 19:34
John 13:34-35
“Relationships are hard, especially when you put expectations on others you wouldn’t put on yourself.”
Erica Young
“We see our Christian lives as buckets instead of pipes. Let me explain. A bucket is designed to collect something, let’s say water. If you have a leaky faucet, you would put a bucket under it to collect the water. The bucket would hold the water and keep it from running onto the floor and causing damage. Buckets keep things contained. A pipe on the other hand is designed to move things along. Again, think of the plumbing pipes in a house. They don’t keep the water in one place – they channel it. Pipes move water to where you want it to be and release water for its intended purpose (drinking, bathing, washing, and so forth). Buckets keep. Pipes transfer.”
Brian Dembowczyk (MOSTLY)
Jesus, save the lost and guide the saved.
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