Those who Hunger & Thirst for Righteousness

Those who Hunger & Thirst for Righteousness

You have made us for Thyself, and our heart is restless, until it rest in Thee.”

St. Augustine

Matthew 5:6
Jeremiah 2:12-13

If I find myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.”

C.S. Lewis

2 Corinthians 5:21
Matthew 5:3-10
Matthew 5:20
John 3:30
Psalm 42:1-2

The command to you is not to crawl into a corner or into a desert, but to run out, if that is where you have been, and to offer your hands and your feet and your whole body, and to wager everything you have and can do. What is required is a hunger and thirst for righteousness that can never be curbed or stopped or sated, one that looks for nothing and cares for nothing except the accomplishment and maintenance of the right, despising, everything that hinders this end. If you cannot make the world completely pious, then do what you can.”

Martin Luther

Matthew 5:6

You can have as much of God as you want.”

A. W. Tozer


What we hunger for most, we worship.” John Piper

John Piper


For the Bible is a remarkable fountain: the more one draws and drinks of it, the more it stimulates thirst.”

Martin Luther

Matthew 6:25-33


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