1. Jesus has risen from the grave therefore Christianity is true.
2. Jesus has risen from the grave therefore you should live differently.
Romans 3:23
Romans 6:23
John 20:1-18
1. Jesus has risen from the grave therefore Christianity is true.
2. Jesus has risen from the grave therefore you should live differently.
1. Believe
John 20:8-10
“The grave — what is it? It is the bath in which the Christian puts on the clothes of his body to have them washed and cleansed. Death — what is it? It is the waiting room where we robe ourselves for immortality; it is the place where the body, like Esther, bathes itself in spices that it may be fit for the embrace of its Lord. Death is the gate of life; I will not fear to die, then.”
– Charles Spurgeon
2. Family
John 20:16-17
1. Jesus has risen from the grave therefore Christianity is true.
2. Jesus has risen from the grave therefore you should live differently.
“Heavenly Father, I admit that I am weaker and more sinful than I ever before believed, but through your Son, Jesus, I can be more loved and accepted than I ever dared hope. I thank you that he lived the life I should have lived, and paid the debt and punishment I owe. Receive me now for his sake. I turn from my sins and receive him as Savior. I want peace with You. It’s in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”
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