The gospel reveals a rescuing God (Romans 1:16)
The gospel reveals a righteous God (Romans 1:17)
The gospel reveals a wrathful God (Romans 1:18-23)
The gospel reveals a righteous, rescuing God.
The gospel reveals a wrathful God.
If you don’t understand or believe in the wrath of God, the gospel will not thrill, empower or move you.
Tim Keller
God’s Wrath:
- “God’s personal anger against sin”
- “God’s holy & loving response to human wickedness”
The wrath of God is almost totally different from human anger. It does not mean that God loses his temper, flies into a rage, or is ever malicious, spiteful or vindictive. The alternative to ‘wrath’ is not ‘love’ but ‘neutrality’ in the moral conflict. And God is not neutral. On the contrary, his wrath is his holy hostility to evil, his refusal to condone it or come to terms with it, his just judgment upon it.
John Stott
God’s Wrath:
- “God’s personal anger against sin”
- “God’s holy & loving response to human wickedness”
We suppress the truth.
God reveals Himself in creation.
Fibonacci Sequence – a recursive sequence, generated by adding the two previous numbers in the sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89…
We suppress the truth.
Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world.
Albert Einstein
As long as we suppress the truth, we will never understand who we are, or why the world is as it is. It is not “acknowledging the Creator’s right to be Ruler” that is repressive; rather, it is the self-suppression of living in denial of that truth.
Tim Keller
We have rejected the Creator & embraced creation.
You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.
Until we know we need the gospel, we will not cry out in repentance toward God and in faith in the Lord Jesus.
Tony Merida
The gospel reveals a wrathful God.
The gospel reveals a righteous God.
The gospel reveals a rescuing God.
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