Advent 2020

Advent 2020

John 16:25-27

“True prayer was not overcoming God’s reluctance, but overcoming God’s willingness.”

George Müller
John 16:28-33

Men design to cut [believers] off from the earth, and God designs by affliction to make [them] ready for heaven; and so between both they shall have tribulation.

Matthew Henry
Philippians 4:4-7
John 16:33
Romans 8:37-39

“The first coming of Christ the Lord, God’s son and our God, was in obscurity; the second will be in the sight of the whole world. When he came in obscurity no one recognized him but his own servants; when he comes openly he will be known by both good people and bad. When he came in obscurity, it was to be judged; when he comes openly it will be to judge.” 
