Holy Spirit Confusion
Holy Spirit Craziness
1. The Holy Spirit Lives in the Believer
John 16:5 John 16:6 John 16:7 Romans 8:9-11
…worship services where the emphasis is more on Lights, Camera, Action than on Father, Son, and Holy Spirit…
Ian Morgan Cron
2. The Holy Spirit Convicts the World
John 16:8-9
“to give him a sense of the dreadfulness of his sins, and to make him feel how surely he is a lost sinner.”
Robert murray m’cheyne
John 16:10-11 Colossians 2:15
Spirit that is at work takes off persons’ minds from the vanities of the world and engages them in a deep concern about eternal happiness and puts them upon earnestly seeking their salvation and convinces them of the dreadfulness of sin and of their own guilty and miserable state as they are by nature. It awakens men’s consciences and makes them sensible of the dreadfulness of God’s anger and causes in them a great desire and earnest care and endeavor to obtain His favor.
jonathan edwards
3. The Holy Spirit Guides the Believer into Truth
John 16:12-15 1 Thessalonians 4:3a Ephesians 5:18