Pastor Ty Neal
Believe as I believe, No more, no less;
That I am right, And no one else, confess;
Feel as I feel, Think only as I think;
Eat what I eat, And drink but what I drink;
Look as I look, Do always as I do;
Then, and only then, Will I fellowship with you.
- R. Kent Hughes
In Christ:
Just if I’d never sinned.
Just if I’d have always obeyed.
Romans 14:3
Mark 7:15
Acts 10:12-15
Romans 14:3
“How dare we reject a person whom God has accepted? Indeed, the best way to determine what our attitude to other people should be is to determine what God’s attitude to them is. This principle is better even than the golden rule [to treat others as we would treat ourselves]. It is safe to treat others as we would like them to treat us, but it is safer still to treat them as God does.”
John Stott
Romans 14:4
Philippians 1:6
Romans 14:5
Romans 12:1-2
Romans 14:6-8
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Romans 14:9
“You have never seen anything in your life that God did not create (Rev 4:11), and Christ is intimately involved in upholding in existence the very things that are in your field of vision at the moment (Heb 1:3). These same things, along with you who are looking at them, were made by and through Christ, and were made for one supreme reason: to belong to or to ‘be unto’ Christ (Col 1:16).”
Timothy Keller
“There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: ‘Mine!”
Abraham Kuyper
Personal Convictions and Biblical Commands are not the same.
We are simultaneously weak and strong
“Division in the church over nonessentials diverts precious time and energy from its basic mission: the proclamation of the gospel and glorifying of God.”
Douglas Moo
“In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.”
Rupertus Meldenius
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