Better Together?

Better Together?

Pastor Ty Neal

Romans 12:3-8

A renewing mind is transformed to be:

1. Self-Aware

Romans 12:3

“The first things any idol takes from its worshipers are their relationships.”

Andy Crouch

“Hurry is a form of violence practiced on time. But time is sacred.”

Eugene Peterson

2. Connected

Romans 12:4-5

  1. Guest
  2. Attender
  3. Community Group/Cohort
  4. Serving Team Member
  5. Covenant Partner

3. Active

Romans 12:6-8

“Prophecy is nothing more than the right understanding of the Scripture, and the peculiar faculty of explaining it.”

John Calvin

“Prophecy is God-prompted application of truth that He has already revealed.”

J.I. Packer


1. Serving one another is vital for personal growth

“Pain is a well-intentioned weatherman predicting God as best he can”

“Touch” by Sleeping At Last

“In love, he has worked to dent and deface my glory so that his glory would be my delight. He has plundered my kingdom so that his kingdom would be my joy. And he has crushed my crown under his feet so that I would quest to be a good ambassador and not crave to be a king.”

Paul David Tripp

2. Church is a family not an event

Galatians 6:10
Mark 3:33-35
Romans 12:6
Galatians 6:10
Psalm 92:14

Matthew 20:26-28

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