Our doors are open!
Sundays at 9 AM, 11 AM and 6 PM
Registration is no longer required starting on January 3, 2021 except for GP Early Childhood.
No Need to Save Your Seat
As of January 3, 2021, you will no longer need to register to attend a Sunday Gathering in the Gathering Center or GP Students 608 Sunday Gathering.
All children 6 and older will attend with you in the Gathering Center.
GP Early Childhood will be open for children ages birth through Kindergarten. Registration is still required for GP Early Childhood.
You must register every week for GP Early Childhood.
Gathering Times & Areas:
Gatherings will be on Sunday at 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, and 6:00 PM.
- We will have 200 seats available in the Gathering Center for each of the 3 gathering times.
- GP Students, for 6th-12th graders, will meet at 6 PM in the Family Center. Registration is not required.
Limited childcare is available for ages 6 weeks – Kindergarten at 11:00 AM only.
Join us every Sunday evening for 608, our student gathering for 6th – 12th grades!
Registration is not required for our GP Student Gathering. Masks must be worn at all times in any Grace Point Church building. Students will also be social distancing.
Let’s Work Together to Stay Healthy
Not feeling well or not ready to gather in person? Please stay home and gather virtually with us live online at 9:00 AM on Facebook or YouTube. You will see the exact same gathering happening live!
For safety reasons, GP Early Childhood will only be available at 11:00 AM for children birth through Kindergarten. Space is limited so please register early. If the registration form says that GP Early Childhood is full, please bring your children with you to attend in the Gathering Center.
The following precautions will be taken for all volunteers and children attending GP Early Childhood. If your child is sick at all, please keep them home.
Keep socially distanced by following the colored dots to your child’s room. Hand washing and sanitizer will be used by both adults and children. All adult team members will wear masks. Masks are required for PreK-K classrooms.
Baby bottles are the only food or drink allowed in the Family Center. Pre-registration is required and closes at 5:00 PM on Thursdays. Children may be dropped off starting at 8:45 AM. Doors will lock at 9:15 AM. Please be on time. Space is limited and some rooms may fill up.