Witness & The Word

Witness & The Word

John 5:30
Deuteronomy 19:15


  • Witness #1 – John the Baptist (John 5:32-35, Elliot)
  • Witness #2 – Miracles (John 5:36)
  • Witness #3 – The Voice of God the Father (John 5:37-38, Matthew 3:16-17, Matthew 17:5)
  • Witness #4 – The Word of God (John 5:39)

5 Steps to Failing at God’s Word

  • Step #1 Refuse It (John 5:40)
  • Step #2 Misuse It (John 5:42)
  • Step #3 Confuse It (John 5:43, Welcome to Vegas sign, Luke 24:44, Martin Luther)
  • Step #4 Abuse It (John 5:44-45, John 5:41, Matthew 23:1-7, Matthew 23:12)
  • Step #5 Disbelieve It (John 5:46-47)

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“God, I pray Thee, light these idle sticks of my life and may I burn up for Thee. Consume my life, my God, for it is Thine… Am I ignitable? God deliver me from the dread asbestos of ‘other things.’ Saturate me with the oil of the Spirit that I may be a flame.”

Jim Elliot

“Here Christ would indicate the principal reason why the Scripture was given by God. Men are to study and search in it and to learn that He, He, Mary’s Son, is the one who is able to give eternal life to all who come to Him and believe on Him. Therefore he who would correctly and profitably read Scripture should see to it that he finds Christ in it; then he finds eternal life without fail. On the other hand, if I do not so study and understand Moses and the prophets as to find that Christ came from Heaven for the sake of my salvation, became man, suffered, died, was buried, rose, and ascended to Heaven so that through Him I enjoy reconciliation with God, forgiveness of all my sins, grace, righteousness, and life eternal, then my reading in Scripture is of no help whatsoever to my salvation. I may, of course, become a learned man by reading and studying Scripture and may preach what I have acquired; yet all this would do me no good whatsoever. For if I do not know and do not find the Christ, neither do I find salvation and life eternal. In fact, I actually find bitter death; for our good God has decreed that no other name is given among men whereby they may be saved except the name of Jesus.”

Martin Luther