- Only God Delivers Perfect Justice and Divine Forgiveness.
- Only God Can Transform The Sinner.
What is God’s Righteousness?
- God always does what is Right and Just.
What is God’s Righteousness?
- God always does what is Right and Just.
- God is FAITHFUL to His Promises.
Now at this moment in time, in the history of salvation, the character of God that always does right, is always just, and is faithful to His promises; that character has been revealed apart from the law, although the Law and Prophets bear witness to it.
What is God’s Glory?
God’s glory is the magnificence, worth, loveliness, and grandeur of his many perfections. God communicates his glory through his creation, image-bearers, providence, and redemptive acts. God’s people respond by glorifying him.
Christopher Morgan
- It is God’s Revered Presence.
Total Depravity
- Humanity’s total inability to do the things of God because of Sin.
Redemption = Release
Propitiation = Appeasement of God’s Wrath on Sin
Expiation = God’s Wiping Away of Sin
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